Crono (Version 1.4.1) - Sat May 28 10:53:51 BRT 2005 * Submitted time included in log files. * Included submitted request time in data structures. * Optimizations in scheduling functions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.4) - Wed Dec 8 15:16:44 BRST 2004 * Node Manager: In order to kill the user processes when the user time finishes, it is used pkill command instead of skill command. (Thanks Tiago Ferreto) * User Interface API: the following functions are now available: crqview_getgaps: Get the available gaps that can to be allocated crqview_getnreqs: Get the number of user requests in RM's queue Furthermore, other support functions were implemented. * UI-API-Manual: Updated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.4rc2) - Wed Aug 25 09:26:05 BRT 2004 * Qualitative allocation: Bug fixed: When a qualitative request which has a base nodetype and its respective non-base nodetype is done, the request manager crashes. Ex.: cralloc -n "p4:2 p4v:1" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.4rc1) - Fri Aug 13 15:42:22 BRT 2004 * Access Rights: There is no more accessrights.users file and the syntax of the accessrights.defs file was modified. Check the documentation for details. * Adm-Manual: Updated. * crrmd: When a user executes crrls, crrmd stores the remaining time in log file. * crstat: Now it is possible to know the average utilization of a cluster. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.7) - Thu Jul 1 17:58:03 BRT 2004 * cralloc/crsetdef: Bug fixed. If the user does not specify the parameter in cralloc and it is not defined in default parameters file (crsetdef), cralloc tries to allocate 0 nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.6) - Tue Jun 29 16:51:16 BRT 2004 * cralloc: Now it is not necessary to specify a file to perform qualitative allocation. But it is still possible to use it. Examples: cralloc -n p3-550:8 or cralloc -n "p3-550:8 p4-2g:4" (double commas are needed when more than one node type is defined) * Documentation: Updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.5) - Tue May 18 15:33:36 BRT 2004 * Documentation: Updated * crrmd: Bug fixed in recovering queue function * crnodes: Included an option to show all cluster nodes and who is using each of them (-w). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.4) - Wed May 12 16:28:35 BRT 2004 * crrmd: Bug Fixed: When a user makes a quantitative allocation and the Access Manager allows this user to allocate more nodes than the cluster has, the Request Manager crashes. * crrmd: When the Request Manager recovers the queue, the user initial times are not modified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.3) - Tue May 11 15:59:49 BRT 2004 * crrmd: The "#! interpreter [arg]" and the execution permission of the Master and User Pre and Post Processing Scripts as well as batch job script are not needed anymore. The,, and were replaced by mpreps, mpostps, .upreps and .upostps. * bug fixed: In some cases, users making quantitative allocations receive more nodes of some types than they should receive. For this reason, when a quantitative allocation is done, the Access Manager sends the user access rights to the Request Manager. * Documentation: Updated (thanks Matheus Rodrigues for the suggestions) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.2) - Thu Apr 22 20:06:41 BRT 2004 * crrmd: rm_attend_reqs_thread() thread was replaced by the try_to_attend_new_req() function. semalloc semaphore is not needed anymore. * Makefile.defs: CR_PIDSDIR definition is in the crono.conf file (piddir option) * crrmd: Bug fixed in the crem_kill_session function of the crrm_em.c file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3.1) - Wed Apr 7 19:23:26 BRT 2004 * cralloc: When a user provides a batch job, if the bach job name begins with '/', the PWD environment variable is not appended to the batchjob variable. * crnmd: CR_NM_KILL_PROC_LOCK -> lock the cluster nodes before kill the user processes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3) - Fri Mar 12 09:49:48 BRT 2004 * crnmd: The CR_USERNAME, CR_USERID and CR_CLUSTER variables can be used in 'commands' file. * API: Updated * Makefile.defs: Updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3rc3) - Thu Mar 4 14:30:06 BRT 2004 * crnmc: bug fixed: it was ignoring the default cluster -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3rc2) - Mon Mar 1 13:06:26 BRT 2004 * crnodes: Take off the message "Request has been queued" * cralloc: bug fixed: If a user makes an allocation specifing the final time and the defaults file doesn't exists, the allocation is not done. * crrun: bug fixed in crrun_setup_nprocs function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.3rc1) - Fri Feb 27 15:59:48 BRT 2004 * Qualitative allocation support and other features to manage heterogeneous clusters. Many improvements were done: . Scripts: CR_NODESINFO environment variable was included. . crqview: -t option shows the requests regaring the node types . crnodes: -s option can be used to get specific information about the nodes . cralloc: -n option can be used to make a quantitative allocation (if is a number) or a qualitative allocation (if is a "specification file"). . crinfo: show more information about the cluster(s) . crcomp and crrun: support for heterogeneous clusters * Documentation: Updated * Scheduler: Bug fixed. When a shared request was made, the request got the some nodes twice. So, it was attended before it should. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.2.2 ) - Mon Feb 9 16:32:19 BRST 2004 * Node Manager: Created the CR_NM_KILL_PROC_LOCK type which makes possible to execute one operation to kill processes and lock the nodes. * Request Manager: The usleep(50000) in crrmd.c file is not more necessary. There was a problem with a semaphore. * Request Manager: The execl functions in crrm_em.c were replaced by execve. So, the master and user pre and post processing scripts must be either a binary executable, or a script starting with a line of the form "#! interpreter [arg]". * crono.conf: There is no more 'evalfile' option in crono.conf. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.2.1 ) - Thu Nov 27 17:46:13 BRST 2003 * Bug fixed: It was not possible to use batch jobs because the 'pas' variable should not be used. (file: crrm_em.c func: crem_exec_batchjob) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.2) - Mon Nov 24 13:30:18 BRST 2003 * IMPORTANT: This version is based on the 1.1.3 version, so the experimental version features are not included in this version. * Access Rights: In order to specify the access rights the administrator should provide the access right id, type (normal,special), maximum number of nodes and time for allocation and reservation: ..... Now the administrator provides the access right id, type, maximum number of nodes and time for allocation and the number of number of reserves allowed to be queued: :... * Reserves: cralloc can make allocations at a given time. So, the crreserve command has been taken off. * Reserves: Initial and Final time have a new format: HH:MM[-dd[/mm[/yyyy]]] the old one is: HH:MM-dd/mm/yyyy * Queue: crqview shows the Request ids. * Cancel Reserves: In order to cancel reserve requests, it has been added the -rid option in the crrls command (specification of the request id). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono ( Experimental Version 1 - not official) - Fri Sep 26 17:04:56 BRT 2003 * crrun and crcomp: Execution and Compilation procedures to support heterogeneous nodes * Request Manager: Possibility to specify the number of processes that will be executed on each node. Both the administrator and users can have these definitions. The users definitions will have the preference. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.1.3) - Fri Sep 19 18:31:06 BRT 2003 * Access Manager: It's not necessary to specify the special periods in accessrights.defs file. * Request Manager: CR_RID variable is available to use in MPREPS, MPOSTPS, UPREPS and UPOSTPS. CR_RID is the request id'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.1.2) - Thu Sep 18 09:07:25 BRT 2003 * Request Manager: Fixed a bug in the Scheduler and make some little improvements. * crsetdef: Included the 'mpicomp' and 'mpirun' keywords * crqview: The number of shared free nodes sometimes is not correct * Documentation: The documentation has been revised -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.1.1) - Tue Sep 9 13:37:17 BRT 2003 * Little bug fix: When a user releases the resources, the message should be 'Resources were released', instead of 'Your request was queued'. * Output crnmc: It was added a '\n' in the output of the crnmc execution (of each node executed on) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.1) - Tue Aug 26 14:27:28 BRT 2003 * Communication: The communication protocol between the daemons was improved. Some messages were taken off. * API: Creation of an API for the User Interface Commands: (cralloc,crrls,crqview,crnmc,crnodes and crinfo). crreserve is not in this API because we want to merge crreserve and cralloc commands in the next release. * daemons: Check if the logfile (all daemons) and queuefile (only for the crrmd) have the permission for writing those files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0.6) - Wed Jul 23 16:21:16 BRT 2003 * tools: Now there is only one tool (crmkmachfile) to create the machine files. Before we have had the crmachmpiether, crmachmpigm and crmachsimple tools. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version - Tue Jul 15 16:36:36 BRT 2003 * Bug Fix: The Request Manager (crrmd), checks if a user requested more nodes than the number of cluster nodes. Probably the administrator should configure the Access Manager to take care about this, therefore one can make a mistake on the configuration. * Bug Fix: When time-shared requests are in the queue, the crqview command shows a wrong number of free shared nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version - Thu Apr 3 14:07:50 BRT 2003 * Bug Fix: crrmd doesn't retrieve the reserves from the queue file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0.5) - Thu Mar 27 15:41:42 BRT 2003 * crrmd : Request Manager retrieves the queue file by default. There is an option -c to clear the queue fle if it exists. * config file: It is now called by 'crono.conf' * sourpath option: It is now called by 'evalfile' * Identifiers: The requisitions have identifiers * Reserves : The reserves and allocations are stored in the same file (the queue file). * Scheduler: The Crono Scheduler was reimplemented. The main difference to old scheduler is that now when a share type request is done, the scheduler tries to put this request with other(s) request(s) of this type. The scheduler procedures are in the file crrm_schedule.c. * Configuration file of the User Interface now accepts comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0.4) - Mon Feb 10 15:10:54 BRST 2003 Pre-Processing: If the MPREPS execution takes less time than the 'tmpreps', the user starting time is modified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0.3) - Fri Jan 31 09:50:13 BRST 2003 * Bug fix: The process of UPREPS, MPREPS and Batch Jobs were not killed on the frontend node -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0.2) - Wed Jan 22 13:39:34 BRST 2003 * Bug Fix: In the Request Manager the server socket descriptor must be closed in the new process created by fork() * Bug Fix: Memory allocation problem in the crnmc command * sourcepath: It is possible to specify a file to be evaluated before the execution of the batch jobs, MPREPS, MPOSTPS, UPREPS and and UPOSTPS * Misc: misc directory renamed by common -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.01) - Mon Jan 20 16:26:42 BRST 2003 * Directories: When a daemon starts it creates the missing directories of the files specified in the config files * Improvements: Some improvements on the source code of the starting daemons * Bug fixed: Reserves didn't start * Debug: Turned off some debug messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 1.0) - Fri Jan 10 09:55:35 BRST 2003 * New feature: support for shared reserves * New feature: Batch Jobs !!! * Status: four status were added: mpreproc,mpostproc, upreproc and batchjob. * Pre-Post Proc.: timeout to execute the Master pre and post processing script * Improvements: Many improvements on the source code of Crono. Many static buffers were replaced by dinamic buffers. The communication between the modules was improved and some little bugs were fixed. * Bug Fix: When the Node Manager daemon is not running, the execution of an operation using the crnmc may cause a segmentation fault on the Requisition Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.5) - Mon Oct 21 19:32:16 BRST 2002 * Right Access: The concept of "priorities" was changed to "access right". Now the priorities file is called by accessrights.defs and users file is called by accessrights.users * cramd: Improved the error messages of the configuration files * crsetdef: Shows the keywords as in the following way: first are showed the Crono keywords and after the User keywords. * Time Out set up: Using the config file, it's possible to set up a time out value for the connections from the Request Manager to the Node Manager. * PAM support: As we have implemented Crono on Slackware distribution and Slackware doesn't come with PAM support, Crono was modifing the login.access and hosts.equiv files. For Linux distributions which comes with PAM support (like Debian, Red hat and Mandrake) this procedure for blocking the access on nodes doesn't work. Therefore, to fix this problem an option in config file (pam option) was added to specify if the distribution has or not PAM support. More details in administrator manual. * Bug fix: A little bug has been fixed in cramd daemon (crinfo operation) * Defines: Some important definitions were taken off from src/misc/misc.h file and now they are in the Makefile file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.4) - Thu Aug 29 14:15:58 BRT 2002 * Some bug fixes and some improvements were done on source code. * New Feature: User Pre and Post Processing Scripts The user can define some tasks to be executed when the user time starts and when it finishes. * Queues: The requests queue can be retrieved from file. * Single option: The -DSINGLE flag was taken off from Makefile, and it was added in the config file. * Reserves: Collision detection is working. * Reserves: The reservers are managed by the Requests Manager. Somethings about reserves must be improved (like collision between the reserves). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.3) - Fri Jul 5 09:07:38 BRT 2002 * Bug Fix: Some bug fixes * Documentation: Improved documentation :) * New Feature: Support for Master Post-Processing Script. This script is executed when the user time has finished. * New Feature: Support for shared allocations! Now the users can choose if they want to share their nodes with other users. * Queue View: The reserves are also showed using the crqview command. The status of these requests is "reserved". * New crrun : The new syntax of these scripts are: and crcomp crrun -c -env [options] crcomp -env [options] The , and can be defined using the crsetdef. Therefore, to execute a program is easier, for example: $ crrun hello_world -np 16 Instead of: $ crrun tropical mpiether hello_world -np 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.2) - Mon May 20 21:52:38 BRT 2002 * New Feature: New scheduler! Suppose that a user A1 requests resources before a user A2. Unlike FIFO, the user A2 can be attend before the user A1, as long as the user A1 doesn't have to wait more than his/her expected time. * New Feature: Add kill option on daemons. The user can kill the daemons using the -k flag, instead of use the kill or killall command. * New Feature: Add verbose mode for execution of the daemons. To execute a daemon in foreground and with debug messages, the user has to specify the option of verbose mode, otherwise the daemon will execute in background. * New crsetdef: If the defaults file cannot be open, the crsetdef command will show some common options that could be set, like "cluster", "time" and "nnodes". Instead of show "Erro opening file XXX". And if, for example, a user just set the "cluster" option, the crsetdef command will show the others common options with value "". * Bug Fix: Access Manager get down when it cannot to connect to a Request Manager * New Feature: If it is compiled with -DSINGLE, it doesn't connect to nodes for any operation. This is very useful when the user doesn't have a cluster and he/she wants to install Crono on a single machine. * Bug Fix: crsetdef: if ~/.crono/defaults is not created, it cannot be written. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.1 ) - Thu May 2 8:50:47 BRT 2002 * Bug Fix: Some times the users reserves don't start * New crnmc: When crnmc cannot execute an operation, it shows "Commands not executed", instead of "0" :) * Bug Fix: When user executes crnmc, the crrmd crashes if it cannot connect to crnmd of a node. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono (Version 0.1 beta 1) - Thu Apr 12 14:00:47 BRT 2002 * Basic system * Simple FIFO queue * Do not allow share allocation * Support Master Pre-Processing Script * Tools to create machine file for Mpi(Ethernet and GM)